Summer brings with it good times, easy breezes, enjoying the outside, and also, the sun! But, if you aren’t careful, the sun can deeply affect your skin, undoing all the skincare routines you utilize. Without proper care and attention given to sun exposure, you can exacerbate aging within the skin leading to deeper wrinkles and more fine lines as well as a “dried out” look. Aesthetics aside, repeated sun exposure, without taking care of your skin and paying careful attention to sun exposure can lead to harmful diseases such as skin cancer. Luckily, we’ve compiled a list of ways you can tackle the sun while still enjoying the summer. If you’ve been wondering how to take care of your face this summer, then keep on reading!
Make Sure To Wash Your Face To Help During The Summer
This seems like a no-brainer, especially because you probably already wash your face. However, during the summer, the skin can get extra oily, washing your face more frequently or after being out in the sun, rather than the usual time in your routine, such as at night, can help remove the excess skin.
Reapply Sunscreen To Protect Your Face During The Summer
If you’re going to be out in the sun, chances are you already have brought some sunscreen with you; but, to get the most out of your sunscreen, it is imperative that you reapply sunscreen regularly. The expert recommendation is every two hours; although you can and should reapply more frequently if you’ve been engaging in water activities or have done something else to wash away the sunscreen such as sweating. This is a vital tip to eliminate or at the very least limit the damage the summer sun can wreak on your skin.
Want To Do More Than Prevent Sun Damage?
If you’ve been enjoying your summers for some time, chances are that your skin, especially your face is showing signs of that age and use. Even if you’ve been following the tips we’ve listed and have held yourself to a good skincare routine over the years, age and wear can begin to show. If you’d like to learn more about how you can combat that, consider making an appointment with Dr. Kleto! With years of experience and a heart for care and understanding, Dr. Kleto is sure to be able to help you. Give us a call today at 865-524-2442!