Does Exercise Promote Healing After Breast Surgery?

The women who seek out our Board Certified Knoxville Plastic Surgeon for breast augmentation or cosmetic surgery often have a regular exercise routine. Board Certified Knoxville Plastic Surgeon Dr. Dean Kleto recognizes that the same women who seek him out for breast augmentation tend to be engaged in an ongoing health and wellness routine, which includes regular exercise.

It may take 4 to 6 weeks after breast surgery for Dr. Kleto to clear you to resume a complete exercise regimen. But there is gentle movement that you can do within the first week of your recovery to promote healing.

With the doctor’s go-ahead, which can be dependent on the placement or presence of surgical drains, here are three types of exercise that are beneficial to recent breast surgery patients:

  • Routine Self Care: You will be sore, but simply lifting your arms to eat, bath, groom and dress yourself will help decrease any side effects and increase proper mobility.
  • Arm Lifts:  Lie down with both arms slightly raised by pillows. Then, take turns gently raising each arm, one at a time, above your heart to help increase circulation and decrease swelling.
  • Breathe Deep: Slow, deep breathing from your diaphragm, either in a laying or sitting position, will calm your nerves and help your chest regain normal movement.

Just know that these are general guidelines. You should first discuss any post-surgical movement and exercise with Dr. Kleto.

When you need a Board Certified Knoxville Plastic Surgeon to perform a breast augmentation or cosmetic surgery procedure, please contact Dr. Kleto’s office online or by telephone to schedule a consultation: (865) 366-4755 or toll-free at (877) 907-0747.


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