For a fast, minimally invasive way to get more youthful skin qualities in your face, BOTOX® may be the best option. BOTOX® can create younger looking skin by improving the appearance of:
- Wrinkles between your eyebrows
- Crow’s feet around your eyes
- Forehead lines
- Lines around your mouth
BOTOX® has the advantage of being non-surgical and providing results quickly and relatively inexpensively. There is no downtime – you do not have to wait to go back to work or social activities. You may have slight redness where the BOTOX® was injected, which you should be able to conceal with cosmetics for the few days it lasts.
You may want to consider combining BOTOX® with a dermal filler, which can restore lost volume and improve the appearance of deep folds. Both treatments are non-surgical.
BOTOX® provides results for four to six months, and you will have to get more injections to maintain the results. It cannot improve sagging skin. A facelift is usually necessary to eliminate drooping facial skin.
Millions of people have received BOTOX® since it was approved by the FDA. Although the risks are low, BOTOX® does have certain risks, including the risk of allergic reaction.
If you live in Knoxville and are interested in BOTOX® treatments, please contact Dean Kleto, MD to schedule a consultation.